Open Up the Country

So here we are having the elites who screamed when POTUS closed borders over CV-19, a short time later, denouncing him for not doing enough.  The endless narrative of “Orange Man Bad” twists and turns to try and take back control of the narrative.  They know not how as the prayers of millions around the world are crippling the DS and their previously undefeated playbook. General Flynn and the team have activated their greatest weapon – free thinking United States citizens and we have been unleashed on the DS. POTUS stands in front taking all the arrows they fire, calmly leading and challenging the greatness of the American people despite the corruption they have endured for far too long. The assault on HCQ is the latest easy to identify DS misinformation campaign.  It gets easier every day to Red Pill my friends. What is at the root of all this?  Why it is all explained in this Meme! Paperclip and Mockingbird… kicked to the curb by You Know Who…