While embedding of DS allies has been endless around the globe, officially becoming a branch of the US governments Three Letter club was yet another turning point in yielding Freedom as our forefathers intended. Special schools like the one Barry attended in Hawaii become an indoctrination academy for carefully selected candidates. Most importantly, they developed an avenue to embed themselves within our now “Problematic” free press. They called it Operation Mockingbird. Congress called out the traitors in 1954 and again in 1975 where they of course promised to stop being fake reporters to shape perception and use to achieve their goals….. Yep nothin’ to see here. Update May 2020 – Just learned that during the final days of the Barry Admin they allowed unfettered sharing of intelligence data and it appears created an Executive order ALLOWING the Clowns to embed and disseminate their narrative as they have done evidently since their creation. Many of us are well aware that six days before his death JFK in the fall of 1963 dared to specifically call out the clowns. Wisely, POTUS has not gone their directly focusing his lazer on the “Fake News” which later was renamed the “Really Fake News”. Unless you understand how POTUS systematically exposes corruption by bringing it into the open and in this electronic age collect ALL the evidence. Never forget the book Art of the Deal (by DJT), has many of its strategies based on the “The Art of War” my fav being appear weak when you are strong.