Close analysis of the POTUS’s tweet’s and speech’s have repeatedly mentioned “These people are sick” and references there is more human trafficking (Sexual and child) then any time in history. He has made it his #1 priority along with defending the borders which is at least indirectly related. The recent indictments have surfaced as a good vs evil issue making it easier for “Awake people” to begin to help the rest of those interested in their world get up to speed that all these problems are not Red/Blue or Republican/Democrat but rather good vs evil. Politically the majority of corruption appears to be Leftist at this time in history but Rhino’s have done their part to get us here as well.
While they are trying to sweep this away POTUS has forced the issue as only he can, with his Trolling skills extraordinaire, deadly one liners when appropriate and the Armor of God.
Case and point – Recently resigned Cabinet Sec. Acosta sucked MSM into this story and before they realized it found themselves exposing the hidden trafficking that at best they ignore whenever possible – consider how many people have covered for Bill Clinton for over 30 years at this point. Hang in there Billie boy, we haven’t forgot about you
Most will be too disgusted to look too closely but it is still very true.. It is time to deal with #These people are sick