Mueller Investigation Begins

With a GOP/Rhino led Congress the President’s own party allows the already exposed “Witch Hunt/Hoax”  to begin.  On July 27,2017 (Three months into the investigation) is a drop dead date for any possibility that Mueller is running a legitimate investigation (Free of bias and political agenda’s).  Yet the investigation stays open through the midterm elections as if some magic bullet was going to appear and allow the coup to be legitimized to the public.  This narrative is still given credibility by House Democrats (Still pursuing Impeachment as of October 7, 2019).  I find it fascinating that AG Bill Barr shortly after his confirmation commented he did NOT think that there was treason committed.  I see this as an olive branch (Possibly the last one – there have been several by POTUS) challenging the Leftist’s to cut their loses and end the foolishness at best and more likely their criminal behavior before they have forced the issue of Treason or at least Sedition.