MK Ultra Project Begins

Yes the early days of USA intelligence agencies and the Military Industrial Complex were like the Wild West trying out hallucinogenics (LSD etc..) and other Psychotropic drugs on unsuspecting soldiers which by the early 70’s had been turned into an art form of sorts (The art of controlling and manipulating minds (Ultra Mind Control – aka MK Ultra).  Events like the Las Vegas mass shooting of 2018, The JFK documents released in recent years that destroy the official story we are told and the recent expose by the University of Alaska debunking the possibility that Bldg 7 collapsed merely because of it’s proximity to the World Trade Center a few hours after they collapsed, all make it hard to dismiss the MK Ultra project as yet another “Nothing to See Here” story line. Please note that this entry has been held back due to my own skepticism – As much as I have learned and experienced first hand it is still very hard to grasp that evil is so completely embedded around us. The “Narrative illusion” I keep mentioning is at the heart of keeping items like these classified as “Conspiracy Theories”.  But once again our digital age has documented so many incriminating things in each of these examples they simply will NOT go away.