A Timeline of DS activity Key Moments in History
This timeline is intended to give context to the endless attacks on DJT and anyone that dares support him, with a methodical look back through history. The digital age has documented things in ways the “elite class” never planned for and has exposed the DS for the evil it is. The simple fact that even Legacy Media recognizes the existence of the DS allows for the beginning of an honest discussion of what is really going on.
The year the Deep State became acknowledged will find a place in history books
As a willing participant, I know first hand how trans-formative the world normal was between 1975 and 2000 (Note 25 year hole in timeline). Roe v Wade and the Pill created a narrative that we all want recreational sex and there is NO value of purity within the family unit.…
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Good Ole’ Billie Boy slipped through the 1996 Telecommunications Act allowing for the continual collapsing of fair and honest news sources that today is controlled by FIVE companies. Through coordination with the Clowns, Elites, Democrats and Rhinos willingly compromised by the CCP the Soro’s money tree or just power hungry…
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When those of my generation (Baby Boomers) like myself saw the term “Gravitas” used in perfect synchronicity across dozens of media outlets I wonder how many had an AH HA moment knowing this could not be a coincidence – these people were given a script or talking points. Looking back…
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Rumsfeld announces a Pentagon investigation into $2.3 Trillion apparently missing?? the next day, in an odd coincidence (To say the least), one of the hijacked commercial jets was reported to hit … wait for it…… In the Pentagon’s office of Accounting where all the records relevant to this investigation were…
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I have always believed there is some logic behind a vaccine but the unintended consequences need to reviewed and over time managed with common sense over empirical data. Today’s vaccine’s have spiked birth defects to an embarrassing level in a quote “Advanced Society”. Our immune system thrives on sunshine, nothing…
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As the Secret Service (The agents that serve and ensure the safety of POTUS) always have their charges choose their “Code Name” would it surprise you to learn Barry chose Renegade? I mean let’s just consider WTF we are proposing when we hand out a Counterinsurgency Guide that he had…
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Strictly editor’s opinion based on actual facts, congressional testimony since then and Patriot’s who were mere yards away that were told to stand down by HRC leads me to this speculation … Admiral Rodgers and Mike Flynn had seen enough and then…. Trump was approached formally by the military (In…
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Realizing that should the unthinkable happen and DJT actually won the 2016 election, Hillary is quoted as saying “They will hang us all” if a plan is not in place to remove him. This leads to the first of many effort’s to do what is needed to protect DS control…
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Despite all the efforts of Democrats, many Republican’s (Bush’s for example, RINO’s in general )and virtually the entire media with backup from most of Hollywood and numerous independent organizations funded by George Soros and others, Donald J. Trump became the 45th President of the United States. uh ohh….. all the…
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HRC is furious as the White Hats sabotage the DS vote fraud schemes under the direction of (I Beleieve) Ezra Cohen Watnick and or Kash Patel with the assistance of Patriots within the military and others as required.
With a GOP/Rhino led Congress the President’s own party allows the already exposed “Witch Hunt/Hoax” to begin. On July 27,2017 (Three months into the investigation) is a drop dead date for any possibility that Mueller is running a legitimate investigation (Free of bias and political agenda’s). Yet the investigation stays…
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POTUS mentions a “Storm that is coming” for the first time at White House media event. This is 10 days after a military intelligence operation of disinformation designed to slowly bring Patriot’s up to speed has begun and John Durham begins his investigation. Editor Note it is fashionable in the…
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As the leader of the Rhino division of the GOP Bush’s passing has given for many Rhino’s a chance to support POTUS’s effort to “Drain the Swamp”. While the notes seen falling from the Clinton’s, Bush’s and Obama’s clearly drew a reaction the only thing that matters is many more…
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While POTUS has aired his frustration with the recusal of Sessions whom he seemingly expected to lead the GOP blessed Special Counsel investigation by Bob Mueller, but don’t think he wasn’t doing many other things. The Nxium and Epstein investigations clearly were being done during his tenure even though the…
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Close analysis of the POTUS’s tweet’s and speech’s have repeatedly mentioned “These people are sick” and references there is more human trafficking (Sexual and child) then any time in history. He has made it his #1 priority along with defending the borders which is at least indirectly related. The recent…
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