A Timeline of DS activity Key Moments in History

This timeline is intended to give context to the endless attacks on DJT and anyone that dares support him, with a methodical look back through history. The digital age has documented things in ways the “elite class” never planned for and has exposed the DS for the evil it is.  The simple fact that even Legacy Media recognizes the existence of the DS allows for the beginning of an honest discussion of what is really going on.


The year the Deep State became acknowledged will find a place in history books

FBI hires “Free Agents”
Hitler with SS Agents

As WWII came to an end a strange delusion was happening within our then top Intelligence service (The FBI).  Project Paperclip was born. Some of the brass was enamored with the research and development of mind control techniques used by the Nazi’s. Nearly 200 former Hitler SS agents were slipped…
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Babalon Working
Babalon Working

Not sure exactly how Crowley, Parsons and Hubbard fit exactly but it clearly is part of the “Illusion” we live within.  However, processing this after learning of the alarming developments as WW II wraps up and MK Ultra begins soon after, we either hide our eyes or Expand our Thinking.…
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Official Creation of the Clowns
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While embedding of DS allies has been endless around the globe, officially becoming a branch of the US governments Three Letter club was yet another turning point in yielding Freedom as our forefathers intended.  Special schools like the one Barry attended in Hawaii become an indoctrination academy for carefully selected…
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Korean War
Korean War veterans

Used as a pawn to create generational division with Nuclear implications with no one willing/interested to work to end until… DJT As the “Military Industrial Complex” began to mature from the ghosts of WWI & II and carried into Korea in the mid 1950’s we were warned by the then…
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MK Ultra Project Begins

Yes the early days of USA intelligence agencies and the Military Industrial Complex were like the Wild West trying out hallucinogenics (LSD etc..) and other Psychotropic drugs on unsuspecting soldiers which by the early 70’s had been turned into an art form of sorts (The art of controlling and manipulating…
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European Union Founded
European Union founding by Robert Schuman

With American’s tired of WWI, WWII and then Korea in the late fifties the DS made it’s move to create the European Union, the first formal step to Globalization.  How you ask? Why it’s simple just put H_tl_r’s #2 man in charge of the project.  By this time the Press/MSM…
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Affirmative Action
Affirmative Action

Congress puts into law purposeful discrimination based solely on race. How has this survived a Constitutional challenge?  By default it insists that race relations must be turbulent/chaotic as that keeps us ants from realizing the “Trauma Based Manipulation” being fed to all of us daily for decades.

Operation Northwoods
Operation Northwoods memo

Our friends “The Clowns” were outed trying to overthrow Castro shortly after his revolution when JFK nixed their plans and then had the balls to snub their plans for nuclear escalation with Russia and generally profit from more robust war across the planet (Very profitable ya’ know). We all know…
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The Climate Card
Genesis - In the Beginning

The birth of the Global cooling (From pollution) that later became Global warming (From population growth) to Climate Change (So they don’t look so ridiculous) began in a under reported meeting of elites at the Vatican as I recall.  Like all the rest it is out there to be easily…
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JFK taken out
Calling out the secret societies

A mere six days after calling out the DS and swearing it’s destruction our 35th President was “Removed”.  The concept of “Conspiracy Theories” became a household term.  Looking back we have another fantastic/horrific example of the “Narrative Illusion”.

The Great Society
The Great Society

JFK’s replacement Lyndon Bayne Johnson  (LBJ) with the help of his massive Congressional majority creates entitlements that have left million’s dependent on government handouts, routinely told they are stranded in poverty with the promise that only they have their best interests in mind.  55 years later poverty is no better,…
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Tri-Lateral Commission
Tri-Lateral Commission

After establishing the DS’s power within the Vatican (world’s largest realtor) as a religious pillar and their banking empire run by the Rothschild’s they began glumming onto the U.S. Military after WWI as insurgents, as WWII winded down project Paperclip embedded DS pawns and puppets within the brand spanking new…
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Agenda 2020 (Started in 1969)
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Sports has become a tool of choice to spread propaganda to willing pawns in recent times. This video breaks it down quite nicely. https://goodnewsandtribune.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/WWG1WGA_SportsPropaganda.mp4

All The Presidents Men

A crushing PR Hit to Conservatives that ushers in an era of Democrat super majorities in Congress leading to the embracing of Flower Child’s , Lots of drugs, sex and Rock n’ Roll.  It seemed awesome…   Looking back, Satan certainly would agree which is my first and only clue needed…
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Roe v Wade
And this is what you get 50 years later

This gem promoted through all DS manipulation tools, greatly accelerated what had been a largely failed effort to fully control the narrative of the American people.  Suddenly in a departure from all of human history a few evil men convinced enough women that they need to abort their babies so…
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