302’s – Notes taken by a FBI investigator (evidently recording devices to complicated for staff to get authorized to use)
Clowns in America – One of our “Lovable” intelligence agencies… Created after WWII and the founding of the UN.
Dossier – French word for a load of crap
False Flag – A horrific staged event blamed on a political enemy and used as a pretext to start a war or exact Draconian laws in the name of National Security.
FISA Warrant – Secret court that can grant warrants outside of U.S. citizen protected rights (It is for foreigners and NOT US citizens)
LARP – Live action Roll Player
Pawn – A willing activist due to their life long programming by/through the “Narrative Illusion”
Puppet – A Political, entertainment or targeted individual who has something used as leverage against them usually by calculated entrapment, sometimes because they are pure evil.
Sheeple – People who find themselves so captivated by the “Narrative Illusion” they require little to no effort to maintain under their “Agenda of the Day” other then standard clown issued MSM talking points and Entertainment idols planting seeds that desensitize good people and reprogram accepted norms with social shaming along with clever tactics like redefining words, shadow banning unapproved thought and establishing “Fact checking” sites that “Prove” their lies.
Socialism – Transitional tool to move Democracies to Communism (Karl Mark 1847)
“Scaramucci Model” The strategic play of hiring temps to perform actions that would otherwise cause negative optics for established players. It’s kind of like using a pawn, an expendable piece, to take out a rook (much higher value) in the game of chess. This move is named after Anthony Scaramucci, who served briefly as the White House Director of Communications from July 21 to July 31, 2017. During Anthony’s temporary stint, both Reince Priebus and Sean Spicer were outed as untrustworthy. Matthew Whitaker is another example of the Scaramucci Model in effect — he was able to deftly remove blockades during his time as Acting Attorney General. Temps can be very dangerous to those who are targeted!