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Expand Your Thinking
and remember...
Some can see
Some can be shown and see
Some can't or aren't ready to see
Our Story
I was asked a question the summer of 2016 ...
What to tell your son
(I was asked what a father should say to a young teenage son shortly after his nomination concerning his (DJT) treatment of women)
This is what I have come up with and I must say that this quest has ignited my childhood memories that put together with current and past political and historical events has been both shocking and at the same time comforting to realize that unlike most of my life I can see the many manipulations of a few are being exposed and is not going to go away. It is time for a Great Awakening.
No one is perfect and that is why Jesus died on the cross to give us the opportunity to wash away our sins, but with this come responsibility and duty which is displayed by DJT like no one in my lifetime. He is no perfect man – he is a man who loves his God, Family and Country and has great faith.
Tell your son that DJT has taken on centuries old powerful families and their puppets in politics and entertainment around the globe in governments and corporations alike with a particular focus on media/info sources through long documented embedded reporters in said media. (See Congressional hearings in 1954 and mid 70's C_A in the media). Point out that despite 4+ years of endless accusations and attacks at him and anyone willing to even suggest support of him, no one has turned up anything “Dirty” on him because there is nothing there. In fact, it turns out DJT first considered being President in the early 80's and was clearly wise enough to know he had to be squeaky clean. This in itself has completely befuddled most evil doers, as corrupt people always think everyone is either just like them or easily discredited, which allows them to “Justify their methods”. I cannot possibly count the number of times my mother and her activist friends reinforced the concept of “It is OK to lie as long as it is for the right reasons… and their ideas are always the right reasons, and the ONLY right reasons)
Speaking to the specific issue of Trump's character around the beauty contestants where he was quoted as saying something about the "Ladies" willingness to allow sexual advances/touching it has to be noted it was presented completely out of context. Trump does like pretty women but very recently in history this was considered normal, he has 100’s of women that have vouched for his behavior and of course a handful of leftist’s that are willing to lie/contort/imply bad things about his behavior for all the right reasons…
,if they had ANYTHING it would have been front and center years ago at this point. Even if it was just one woman, she would be put on a pedestal and her case would be ALL we heard about.
"Tell your son that all through human history powerful men have dealt with some women who are willing and often insistent on sharing their naturally tempting features to manipulate them (Men), usually quite easily..."
Trump's detractor's love to point out his "Lies". I too have been snookered by his seemingly endless statements that appear to have no basis in currently accepted facts. The thing is over and over he proves himself to be far more knowledgeable then his detractors as he has done his homework and in many cases been able to expose actual lies that his statements are correcting after misinformation is spread by the Mockingbird media (remember they are C_A clowns mostly). Most of this misinformation comes from the oldest playbook in the world of evil - Project on your enemy what you are actually doing. Then if that fails head straight to discrediting the messenger through a coordinated smear campaign (Nancy explains it here… https://youtu.be/SMJdDwQlcc8) Got to hand it to her, she does a really good job of explaining By saying her enemies do it this way .... again Projecting on your enemy what you ...). This has been amazingly successful for centuries however the age of electronic documents and more importantly social media/email/phone records have presented a unique opportunity in the history of life on Earth. It turns out, evidence continues to surface that Trump and his military allies have ALL the goods on these evil doers. You are witnessing the systematic destruction of the "Old Guard". It is an epic war fought so far with keyboards and electronic metadata, with sound bites and "False Flags". It is NOT about Republicans and Democrats - It is a battle between good and evil. A war where prayer is the biggest variable working for Good. If you're ready to join the fight prepare by reading Ephesians 6: 10-18
Be sure to see the "What the heck is Going On Timeline" and Make it to the Pharmacy and our latest edition Self Remedies and the GNAT challenge