Renegade Inaugurated – Playbook distributed
US Counterinsurgency Guide January 2009
As the Secret Service (The agents that serve and ensure the safety of POTUS) always have their charges choose their “Code Name” would it surprise you to learn Barry chose Renegade? I mean let’s just consider WTF we are proposing when we hand out a Counterinsurgency Guide that he had ready on January 13th, 2009 about a  week before he officially took office.  The evidence that drips slowly out of DC with real whistle-blowers that the MSM continue to silence in every way possible, mainly by just ignoring, anything that doesn’t advance their handlers directives. See it yourself here. You see I have come to realize there are very few truly calling the shots and most are either puppets or pawns.  Puppets have been compromised in some way to get them to play along. Pawns have bought the “Narrative Illusion” so well that they are willing participants.  It is also quite evident that if a pawn wakes up they quickly find themselves to either be a puppet or living a nightmare at best.  The list is long.
Barry’s Admin Begin “Insurance Policy”
Barry’s Admin Begin “Insurance Policy”

Realizing that should the unthinkable happen and DJT actually won the 2016 election,  Hillary is quoted as saying “They will hang us all” if a plan is not in place to remove him.  This leads to the first of many effort’s to do what is needed to protect DS control of the narrative so carefully crafted over the past 60 years since WWII and before frankly.

Trump elected against all odds
Barry and HRC

Despite all the efforts of Democrats, many Republican’s (Bush’s for example, RINO’s in general )and virtually the entire media with backup from most of Hollywood and numerous independent organizations funded by George Soros and others, Donald J. Trump became the 45th President of the United States.  uh ohh….. all the above mentioned said as one giant collective…..

2016 Election – Update after 2020 Election (Nov 30)
Barry and HRC

HRC is furious as the White Hats sabotage the DS vote fraud schemes under the direction of (I Beleieve) Ezra Cohen Watnick and or Kash Patel with the assistance of Patriots within the military and others as required.

Mueller Investigation Begins
Bob Mueller before Congress

With a GOP/Rhino led Congress the President’s own party allows the already exposed “Witch Hunt/Hoax”  to begin.  On July 27,2017 (Three months into the investigation) is a drop dead date for any possibility that Mueller is running a legitimate investigation (Free of bias and political agenda’s).  Yet the investigation stays open through the midterm elections as if some magic bullet was going to appear and allow the coup to be legitimized to the public.  This narrative is still given credibility by House Democrats (Still pursuing Impeachment as of October 7, 2019).  I find it fascinating that AG Bill Barr shortly after his confirmation commented he did NOT think that there was treason committed.  I see this as an olive branch (Possibly the last one – there have been several by POTUS) challenging the Leftist’s to cut their loses and end the foolishness at best and more likely their criminal behavior before they have forced the issue of Treason or at least Sedition.

Terrorist running W.H.O.
Tedros the Terrible

Say it ain’t so….  The resume of the current head of the very powerful W.H.O. (World Health Organization), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus will send shivers up your spine (assuming your human), again look yourself you wouldn’t believe me.  His election after three rounds of secret ballots – came five months after Dr. Fauci matter of factly stated that DJT would have a pandemic during his Presidency.  It could be a harmless generic statement if he hadn’t given $3.7 million to the very lab in China CV-19 originated at. My breakdown of the “Death” math , based on their “Word Salad”, is showing the threat to be largely media manifested because they are cooking the books, Pnemonia deaths are almost nill (Their being called CV-19). Worse is the reality that in 2005 Dr Fauci did a test on SARS with HCQ and has known since then (officially) how very effective HCQ is on viruses like CV-19.  Thousands of Doctor’s are risking their careers to speak the truth. They often mention that they take it themselves because we also know it is a preventative.  But Dr Fauci pushes Bill Gates pharm company and his $1000 pills instead of the $2-3 for HCQ.  Ya’ gotta’ luv the dedication to their stock holders…

The Storm is Coming
The storm is coming

POTUS mentions a “Storm that is coming” for the first time at White House media event.

This is 10 days after a military intelligence operation of disinformation designed to slowly bring Patriot’s up to speed has begun and John Durham begins his investigation.

Editor Note it is fashionable in the MSM to debunk the Storm and Q but even if a teenager in a basement which I doubt, they have the uncanny ability to tip off those who “Know the comm’s” with quality information proven to be correct over and over for nearly three years now. Usually items break 18-24 or more months after Q first has mentioned and usually is confirmed through some other source in the same time delta.

There are two factors one needs to be able to grasp before any of this is likely to click.

This is best explained in the book “The Art of War” by Tsun Su which is known to be central to DJT’s “Art of the Deal”.  Their philosophies are time tested with history.  A wise leader appears weak when they are strong (DJT recently).  Confusing the enemy is key so… you have to be comfortable telling half truths, outright lies and out of context statements to confuse. Often this falls on the side of appearing strong when you are weak (DJT when first elected).

I say in summary (With our without an actual Q) “We are the Q movement. it is for real and too many people have been tipped off to ever put this back in the jar.”  What matters is the “Swamp” is full of corruption and DJT is lazer focused on exposing and removing said Swamp.


George H. W. Bush Funeral
HW Bush with Clinton

As the leader of the Rhino division of the GOP Bush’s passing has given for many Rhino’s a chance to support POTUS’s effort to “Drain the Swamp”. While the notes seen falling from the Clinton’s, Bush’s and Obama’s clearly drew a reaction the only thing that matters is many more people begin to assist the POTUS in draining the swamp, foremost being William Barr.

Jeff Sessions working behind scene
Jeff Sessions

While POTUS has aired his frustration with the recusal of Sessions whom he seemingly expected to lead the GOP blessed Special Counsel investigation by Bob Mueller, but don’t think he wasn’t doing many other things.  The Nxium and Epstein investigations clearly were being done during his tenure even though the media refused to even acknowledge, much less report on accurately.  One has to wonder if this was all planned (Like a movie) designed to allow the DS to expose itself in ways that slowly allows many the normies to see the corruption 1st hand.  The summer of 2019 headlines show that child and sex trafficking is one of the better ways to introduce what/how evil exists and begin to allow average people who largely care less about politics to “Expand their Thinking”.

Seth Rich murdered

Yep – no one seems to be willing or able to solve this case?

Nothing to see hear…

Papadopoulos Congressional Testimony

Ignored to this point but it is not going away.  The attempt to entrap him failed miserably like all the attempts to prove the Russian Hoax because the only collusion was by the democrats.

Rule #1 of Leftist political tactic:

Project on your enemy what you are doing (This works great when the mockingbird media backs it up mainly because it is so outrageous it is too hard for most to process).  Some refer to the term “Natural Law”, meaning that you hear things so often without challenge it becomes “Natural thought” and the thought of challenging is considered outrageous. This is ultimately circular logic –  Projecting what you are doing on your enemy….. watch closely and you will see it happen in MSM over and over.  Since JFK’s death a “Special term” was created by the DS – it’s a Conspiracy Theory… Here is a short video from the 1950’s when MK Ultra (Clown project) was deep into “Experiments” on US citizens.

Mueller testifies before Congress

In the seemingly endless waste of taxpayer dollars leftists led by Jerry Nadler and Adam Schiff forced (By subpoena)  Bob Mueller to testify before their respective House committee’s they chair. While nothing new came out about POTUS we did get on the record the many pieces of ignored exculpatory evidence withheld from his report and began to unravel the entrapment of all the supposed traitors working with Russia and DJT to ….. to do what?   Nothing that is what – History will surely show that having Mueller testify was yet another  mistake by the enemies of POTUS.  Among other things it was obvious he had not even read the report as he was unaware of key contents including what the first sentence says.  It was filled with half truths and authored by his 17 powerful democrats who actually wrote the report, lead by Andrew “Turncoat” Weismann who has been caught before railroading other American citizens that had to be corrected by the Supreme Court (9-0 even RBG couldn’t support his position)  look it up….

Entrapment of DJT Jr. is epic fail
Donald Trump Jr.

Despite coordinated efforts involving the Barry Admin. with as many as four foreign intelligence agencies, the first attempt’s to plant the seeds for destroying then candidate Donald Trump were attempted.

Carter Paige
Carter Paige

Yet another Trump supporter who was tempted with “Russian info” by foreign intelligence agencies repeatedly with no interest (Something the Mueller investigation conveniently ignored/left out of their angry democrat written quasi report/hit piece). This item is front and center  in August 2019 as Declass begins expect this to be a watershed document as it Destroy’s the notion that there was any reason to start a collusion investigation into the Trump campaign.  FYI – It is not the only exculpatory evidence – All of which was excluded from the Mueller report. Say what???

Get Your Popcorn
Q baby debut

Whether the Q phenomenon is a Patriot with good intentions or the largest military intelligence drop of world history.  Either way the eye opening, often lock step coordination of both information and disinformation is somewhere between stunning and entertainment of the highest order for thinking folks who can indeed look past the BS spewed day in and day out by our media and many of our politicians … aka “The Swamp” Check out drop #11 two days after Q’s debut.

Military Intelligence v FBI CIA NSA
No approval or congressional oversight
State Secrets upheld under SC
Who is the Commander and Chief of the military?
Under what article can the President impose MI take over investigations for the 3 letter agencies? What conditions must present itself? Why is this so VERY important? Who surrounds POTUS? They lost this very important power _ the one area of the govt not corrupt and directly serves POTUS.

Google tries to redefine what a Patriot is.

Nothing to see hear – no agenda, no manipulation …. just ask them I’m sure they will say the dictionary is either racist or fascist propaganda as they have no conscious either.

Nxium and Little St James Island
Nxium and Little St James Island

Close analysis of the POTUS’s tweet’s and speech’s have repeatedly mentioned “These people are sick” and references there is more human trafficking (Sexual and child) then any time in history. He has made it his #1 priority along with defending the borders which is at least indirectly related.   The recent indictments  have surfaced as a good vs evil issue making it easier for “Awake people” to begin to help the  rest of those interested in their world get up to speed that all these problems are not Red/Blue or Republican/Democrat but rather good vs evil.  Politically the majority of corruption appears to be Leftist at this time in history but Rhino’s have done their part to get us here as well.

While they are trying to sweep this away POTUS has forced the issue as only he can, with his Trolling skills extraordinaire, deadly one liners when appropriate and the Armor of God.

Case and point – Recently resigned Cabinet Sec. Acosta sucked MSM into this story and before they realized it found themselves exposing the hidden trafficking that at best they ignore whenever possible – consider how many people have covered for Bill Clinton for over 30 years at this point.  Hang in there Billie boy, we haven’t forgot about you

Most will be too disgusted to look too closely but it is still very true.. It is time to deal with #These people are sick

Let the Spying Begin … in 2015 ouch…
Mockingbird Crew 2019

That’s right, the MSM refuses to report something as important as the previous Administration used multiple three letter intelligence agencies (Both foreign and domestic) and evidence is widely available showing the spying was not only on Trump’s campaign in 2015 but also Ted Cruz and others. To think an honest member of the media could sleep at night hiding such evil intentions within the people’s government is truly sad on an individual level, done as an orchestrated long term disinformation campaign it quickly becomes Sedition at best and Treason more likely.   With all the evidence gathered and soon to be released the continued lying and cover up just reinforce that it is Treason – you would think they would throw a few peeps under the bus and take the loss and move on….  But Noooooo….  its double down because it has always worked in the past.  Who knew clowns liked going Ted Baxter for you older folks, Good luck this time…

IG Review Ends – Declass Begins
Inspector General Michael Horowitz

While democrats appear determined to be charged with sedition/treason over cutting their losses and throwing a few puppets “Under the bus”, Inspector Horowitz has turned his Extensive review of how the spying began of several U.S. citizens to the Attorney General William Barr. After having roadblock after roadblock thrown in front of anyone interested in the truth these documents will forever change United states history, exposing the biggest government scandal in our nation’s history.  As POTUS has repeatedly said “This should never happen to any political leader ever again”.

Ukraine Connection
Trump Ukraine

The Maestro Trolls the media and dem’s and their clown handlers to talk about the very corrupt and recently replaced administration (That was/is knee deep in the true origins of the “Russian Collusion” story not to mention Joe Biden’s influence over Ukraine). The Ukrainian’s want to clean up their government just as  much as we need to in the USA)