What do you see in this Image?
To grasp our current moment in history you must first be made aware that as WWII concluded a strange delusion was happening within our then top Intelligence service (The FBI). Project Paperclip was born. Some of the brass was enamored with the research and development of mind control techniques used by the Nazi’s. As many as 1600 former Hitler SS agents were slipped into the US where around 200 were promptly hired to work at the FBI and/or become founders of the official “Clowns in America” club to be formally legitimized by Congress in 1947. Many of the others were part of creating NASA which was the primary cover story (Great engineers coming to be free to do what exactly…?)
Most importantly, they developed an avenue to embed themselves within our now “Problematic” free press. They called it Operation Mockingbird. Congress called out the traitors in 1954 and again in 1975 where they of course promised to stop being fake reporters to shape perception and use to achieve their goals…..
Today our Mockingbird media, political elites, social idols and the clowns are indistinguishable as the clowns have either blackmailed good peeps, or embedded one of their own to spew their lies (Usually in a very clever way masked in half truths and out of context inferences – for example). For those willing to look it is all quite easy to see. Check out a few examples of the small world the media, our politicians and Intelligence folks share. There are many more examples. These people are at war with our country – this website explains how and why, Enjoy knowing you are not a sheep anymore.