Risking his five decade + medical examiner’s career, disputes the “Suicide” premise of this Clown protected operative (see 2003 Florida sex trafficking charges). The cult like behavior that has coerced and/or blackmailed who knows how many people (Emphasis on high ranking officials, entertainers and media) to collectively push/control the accepted “Narrative Illusion” they have driven since the official founding of the Clowns in America opens even more eyes to the truth.
The irony of the Halloween Holiday being the day Democrats vote to have new rules similar to Fascist states allowing the controlling authority (House Dem’s) to decide acceptable questioning of witnesses in their 100% media backed lie (I mean come on the FULL transcript is clear and we are talking about second hand “Never Trumper Whistleblower” source further debunked by recently elected Ukrainian Pres….. to clean up corruption with 73% of vote BTW). This act is clearly driven by desperation when the rabbit hole was opened by the “Russian Collusion” narrative (The POTUS is committing treason) which actually began right in the Ukraine. Close inspection quickly reveals the same peeps behind the 1st witch hunt just rolled right into another attempted frame job. Project on your enemy what you are doing. The Maestro does it again forcing discussion of the massive coordinated corruption between Barry and the equally corrupt and now removed former Ukrainian President.
Refusing to throw a few folks under the bus the DS apparently has it’s pawns and puppets swallowing the bait and continue to expose themselves in ways never imagined before Trump took the political stage. With all the ammunition wasted trying to take out POTUS, blatant attempts to cover up their long running reign, has made their fear of 2020 palatable, judging by their actions. Meanwhile the evidence collected by Huber, Sessions, Barr and Durham continues to grow and will take years to unpack realistically. It is an amazing time in history for those paying attention.
After doing secret backroom witness testimony without allowing a single Republican or POTUS to ask questions it still leads to NO evidence of any kind other then 2nd and 3rd hand hearsay or just plain lies. Due to the “Urgency” democrats with no evidence convince themselves to go ahead and vote for impeachment. Meanwhile the whole world knows that POTUS had every right in the world to investigate the Biden’s terrible decision making (I’m trying to be nice). there is as much as $7 B missing in aide during the 2nd term of Obama/Biden Admin
So as the final votes are cast in the 1st Impeachment to ever be completely partisan and leaving a trail of corruption for all to see the democrats start another hoax. Rest assured that the voting situation in Iowa is designed to discredit our election process because it is all too obvious that they will have to discredit the election if they want to continue their obstruction. Let us remember they are nothing but puppets controlled through blackmail and extortion as required (Epstein/Nxium are tools for this – see pedowood timeline)
No pun intended. After patiently allowing the enemy to expose and further document their often very clever “Schemes”, we see first hand how POTUS and Q have the clowns, Rhinos and democrats/socialists in panic mode. Knowing their patterns and formerly invincible very simple, limited playbook makes it entertainment at this point – for most knowing the truth is comforting in itself.
Let’s review
- Project on Your Enemy What you are Doing.
- If for any reason that fails destroy the messenger,
As Feb. 2020 rolls on, 70 plus willing traitors were cleared out of the Obama bloated NSC (National Security Council) Many Patriot’s believe they are finally seeing the beginning of the “Great Awakening” hitting the mainstream. The lies of violent Q followers are baseless and far more likely to be “False Flags” something that is very hard to grasp by any decent person. But the Military Industrial Complex AND Big Pharma gave us MK Ultra and too many folks have worked too hard collecting and preserving the truth for me to look away anymore. These people are sick.
And then giving new meaning to arrogance, they honestly think the American people would elect a corrupt, person who hasn’t made it through a properly constructed paragraph (Often even a sentence), in anything approaching articulate fashion. This smells to high heaven and makes no sense yet here we are – they really think your that trained to obey their totalitarian dreams.
Ya’ just have to figure that the LAST THING the DS wanted was for POTUS to be able declare a National State of Emergency. Breaking News …. 3:00 PM EST March 13, 2020 POTUS declares National State of Emergency. Travel is greatly reduced, human trafficking (of many horrid variations) arrests that started days after POTUS inauguration in 2016 intensify in Feb 2020. While the Dem’s led by the MSM aka Clown talking heads howl that DJT isn’t doing anything a strategically built Public/Private sector team has been busy revamping a 20th Century “Pandemic Strategy” for today’s unique circumstances.
You can be sure there is more here to see .then we are being told. It is a flash point where Good and Evil are in a face off the likes of which the world has never seen.
Let’s start with why are all the experts standing beside Trump knowing they all are older citizens and his level of exposure in all other situations creates panic/overkill precautions to prevent them from catching … a cold. Could there ever be a time better to start “Draining the Swamp” and breakout the sealed indictments. Maybe I am inpatient…? We will see soon enough but before you go be sure to review the relationships between WHO, Bill Gates and the usual suspects…. in one of the featured images
In a completely selfless act Gen. Mike Flynn bit his tongue and bowed to the tremendous weight and power of the DOJ and FBI to protect his family with the great faith that Lady Justice would show up if the Patriot’s had anything to do with it. In fact the history books will show that his situation will be seen as the beginning of a true wake up moment for how corrupt career politician’s, lobbyist’s and unelected pencil pusher’s find themselves compromised by embeds within our government, courthouses, corporations and the MSM all to often linked straight to the Clowns.
The maneuvers leading up to the Jan. 5th, 2016 meeting will help to wake up those so mislead by the media. Why it took till May 12th, 2020 to release transcripts from 2017 investigations is probably the bigger story in the end, but the steady slow drip is a “Kinder Gentler” Red Pill experience for the normies. The image shows #Obamagate trending worldwide only to be removed within hours to continue the charade being played on the American people by the MSM/MSDNC
Any doubt that we are in an all out war for our way of life is crushed as POTUS calls out the infiltration of our government and vowing to defeat the formerly “Invisible Enemy” that is currently hiding behind COVID and anything else they think will keep you in chaos or you surely would see through the corruption seeping out of so many because the President dares call an end to “Endless wars” (First President in modern times to not enter into a new military engagement) give our veterans proper care and options if they don’t, created opportunity zones in both Black and Latino communities and promoted peace and posterity for all Americans. If you have ever listened to a couple of DJT’s speeches you already know all this but since the media will not even allow a soundbite by the President to be reported correctly (Always taken out of context in some way) it is not the everyday persons fault they miss this. Thankfully it is harder every day to find anyone that still believes what our MSM “4 am Mockingbird talking points and all) try to pass off as actual news – to many it has become a red flag of the latest strategies by our very exposed DS which continues to implode as they no not how to lose – they never have
History will show Sleepy Joe to be the most corrupt politician to seek the Presidency in our countries history. The Legacy Media insists on protecting him but it simply doesn’t work in a connected world of social media despite all the attempts at censorship. The Internet is forever and so is digital data – which Joe’s crackhead son left on the “Laptop from Hell” as DJT pointed out. This digital data has been confirmed by two other laptops within chain and the public testimony and documentation presented on Tucker Carlson around the 28th. Did you know Joe’s Bro has an island near Little St James Island… as I always say look into it, you wouldn’t believed me if I told you. However it is important to come to understand so “Expand Your Thinking” and look into it yourself instead of waiting for someone to tell you what to think. Here is the best resource I have found to learn to investigate at Corey’s Digs
So many peeps vote for Trump that the usual cheating is not sufficient and counting is stopped in several states. All these states by chance are run by Democrat’s or RINO’s and magickly flip 15-20% leads from Trump to Biden over the next few days. Problem is they did not prepare for this massive landslide and were very sloppy and often forced to produce mathematically impossible vote totals. This was achieved through many strategies coordinated across multiple states with data tabulated on foreign servers. Over time the extent will prove larger then any of us could imagine. This does NOT make it false. It just means it is hard to accept people are actually this cold and calculating in such large numbers. Many will need to learn how people become compromised by people like Jeffery Epstein and Keith Raneire. The Trial of Ms. Maxwell will probably be suppressed as much as possible but will be significant – The truth is a patient but inevitable problem for evil.
POTUS and 16 + 1 have constantly informed about election fraud, consider DJT’s first public comment going back to 2008 . Say what? yup…. The stage is set to expose corruption from the local level all the way up. Normie’s are running out of time for a reasonably soft landing. Let’s just share some software systems and their owners we all will be learning more about soon. The Kraken, Hammer, Smartmatic, Dominion and Scorecard. Then there are the players Ezra Cohen Watnick and Kash Patel. Don’t forget Lin Wood, Sidney Powell and General Flynn and the cast of thousands of Patriots filing affidavits . Yes that once you learn about these peeps and the companies and systems listed you are well on your way to understanding the current moment in history. Yes it will indeed be a moment in history. Current estimate is between December 5-21, 2020…. just a hunch…. Maybe we still have more to learn and Jan 20 will be a painful time for those that are forced to wait for the rest of the sheep too wake up. One thing is for sure, sooner then later we will all have to choose a side. Ephesians 6 10-16
How many will show – all I know is I am going myself and will update. To set the stage, we have trolled and collected evidence through two and maybe as many as five election cycles, we have exposed the Wolves in Sheep’s clothing (aka the RINO’s) and now we appear to be bringing the light to our bought and paid for Judges. We already were well aware of our marriage between the CCP, the Democrat Party, Hollywood and all too often our entire legacy media empire (Controlled by 5 companies). Our own Freedom’s have been used to mislead and program our actions, usually with very clever half truths, out of context quotes and Projecting on others what they themselves are doing. If that fails you just discredit any and all messengers – it is a short old worn out playbook that worked fine till the Digital Age documented their nefarious ways. More to come